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Step inside my world of Love, Lust, Sex, Pain and Hurt...


Where My Yours...

Erotic Melodies

ISBN-13: 978-1508732556


In her new book "Erotic Melodies" Book 1 from the Black Crow Black Cat-A Memoirist Collection she unleashes all of her love, lust, sex, hurt and pain through multiple experiences with many spirits (Men) that have crossed her path... This book is sure to take you into another dimension from real events, moments, dreams, encounters only seen and experienced through her eyes.... She asks; "What is truth?; unless you have physically and spiritually experienced it, gone from one realm into the next, ascended from dimension to dimension in the blink of an eye"... now that's Truth.....

Secret Society-The Life of an Eroticist

ISBN-13: 978-1523675678




I don't have much but I have my Heart and Soul. If those two things can make you view the World on MY level then you can have MY ALL. Because the Angels and the Unknowns in the Universe cry for me. Despite it all; I'm not pure nor am I perfect. My words are like a new species waiting to be found...By YOU. Come walk with me into my 5th Dimensional world as I relinquish yet another one of my Memoirs filled with my Heart and Soul... to the World.

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